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Goals: Mine and How I Set Them

Gillian Mark

There's a science to goal-setting. (Don't worry, it's easy, 3rd grade science.)

2024 is fast approaching, and most everyone is starting to reflect on this past year. If you haven't, I suggest you do so.

As a 23 year-old human, I find that having something to work toward has always helped my mental AND physical health--it gives me a reason to wake up, to show up, and to be the best version of myself I can be. But this can go south if your goals are 1) impossible and unachievable, 2) unquantifiable (you can't use numbers), or 3) counterproductive. For example, if your goal is, "I want to lose weight by the end of 2024," (which is possible AND productive), it will be difficult because you've set no actual milestone for yourself. Saying, "I want to lose 20 lbs by the end of 2024," is much better, because you've got an end-goal to chase.

The name for this goal-setting strategy is SMART. You've probably heard it.

S: Specific - Avoid being general. Having clear goals will make it easier to achieve.

M: Measurable - Not EVERY goal is quantifiable, but using numbers is an easy way to track progress.

A: Achievable - You want to be motivated, but not overwhelmed. Challenge yourself, but don't hurt yourself.

R: Relevant - Do you have control over the force that leads to the achievement of your goal? Make sure it's something you can change!

T: Time-based - I think most of us work better on a deadline, it helps us stay on track! Without one, you might lose your place and give up altogether!

As an artist, I set goals for my self and my business every year. I have TONS that I want to accomplish this upcoming year, but I didn't want to overwhelm myself. So, I came up with my Top 3 Goals for 2024.

  1. I want to grow my business's reach by hitting 5k followers on Instagram by the end of 2024.

  2. I want to focus on creating a more cohesive portfolio when it comes to my artwork.

  3. I want to be profiting at every market I vend at in 2024.

When it comes to Goal 1, I have a weekly and monthly calendar where I dedicate daily social media tasks that need to be followed. Growth isn't guaranteed, but it helps to have consistency and relevance.

Goal 2 is a goal I've had for a few years, and it's been getting more cohesive ever since. As my artistic practice shifts with me and my experiences, I don't feel that I'll ever be so satisfied with my work that I stop exploring. That's why there's no time constraint.

Goal 3 is tricky because I've just begun vending at art markets. My setup is genuine but time-consuming, and my space is small. Once I grow that space, I'll have more opportunities to profit. In addition, costs and fees depend on each market I attend. This goal will grow with me, that's why it's not quantifiable.

I hope this mumbo-jumbo helps anyone who's struggling with how they want to control their 2024. As a small business, or an average human, what are your goals this year? Are they SMART, or do they need some work? Comment below!

Gillian Mark

Goosey Art

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